ICA Carcass Challenge

This is Iowa's only fed cattle competition and a way to showcase the genetics that our state is producing. Our goal is to showcase these high-end genetics and the capable feeders selected to feed these steers. The ICA Carcass Challenge was created to showcase Iowa's beef business, raise non-dues revenue, and provide leadership and learning opportunities for the Iowa Cattlemen's Leadership Program. These cattle will be fed in a manner that we can have a high percentage of these cattle ready for optimum harvest in 190 days. This group will be a high-risk group coming from several different locations. Steers will have a two-week warm up period and then go on test and be pushed toward a harvest date in mid to late May. We are excited to feed the steers at Iowa State University, Beef Nutrition Farm. Cash prizes and special awards are presented to donors of the top steers in retail value per day on feed, average daily gain, ribeye area, marbling score, and chef's choice.

Carcass Challenge History

Carcass Challenge 2023




Final Report




Final Report




Final Report




Final Report

2024-2025 Guidelines

Donor Requirements

  • Breeder must be a 2024 active ICA member.
  • Must submit a Carcass Challenge commitment form by Oct. 9, 2024.
    • An ICLP member can help with this, or it can be sent directly to Joe DeVries or the Main Office.
  • Deliver steer to Iowa State University or steer pickup location on Nov. 13, 2024, and transfer ownership to ICA. When the steer arrives:
    1. A complete delivery information sheet that includes steer description, pedigree, and all vaccinations given in the last 21 days will need to be listed.
    2. If possible, include a veterinary-signed Iowa Certificate of Health and/or a Green/Gold Tag PreConditioned Certificate.

Steer Requirements

  • Spring-born 2024 steer calves weighing 750 pounds. No dairy breed-type cattle.
  • No evidence of warts, ringworm, lice, or mange.
  • Castrated for at least 30 days prior to delivery.
  • Dehorned and healed from dehorning.
  • Steers should be weaned, acclimated to bunk feeding, and consuming a weight-appropriate mixed ration prior to delivery.
  • Neither ICA, nor the ICA CC feedyard will be held liable for any sickness or any death loss of the CC steers. Cattle will be monitored closely to avoid health issues.
  • Any steer unable to adapt to the feedyard pen, encountering a health challenge or injury during the feedlot period, may be removed from the contest prior to the marketing date.

Nutrition Protocol
Ration Projection:
  • We anticipate all steers weighing around 750 lbs. upon arrival. We will work with the feedlot to build rations for an ending weight of 1,425-1,450 lbs.
  • Steers will be on a two-week acclimation period prior to initiating the feedlot performance test with an on-test weight. The acclimation period allows each individual steer to adapt to pen conditions and normalize to diet and weight.
  • Steers will be fed for 190 days. Once the steers are finished with their two-week acclimation period, we intend to have them spend 150 days on a finishing ration.
  • These steers are in a carcass contest and will be pushed, therefore cost of gain will be important but not a limiting factor for this contest.
  • Steers will be ultrasounded twice.  We will utilize this scan projection data to track how steers are performing throughout the contest. 

Health Protocol
  • Steers will be weaned no later than October 9 with a delivery date of November 14.
  • Cattle will require the Green Tag vaccinations listed below between the dates of Sept. 25 - Oct. 15.  A veterinary-signed Green/Gold Tag certificate is not mandatory this year, but this is something we are looking to require in the future. 
    1. Required Green Tag Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI-3, seven-way Clostridia, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Histophilus somni.

  • Processing will be November 15, the day after arrival.
  • Processing on arrival will include: 5-way modified live viral, paste dewormer, lice control pour on, an immediate steroid implant, and a preventative antibiotic dose.
  • ISU will be conducting a blood draw, deep pharyngeal swab, and BVD PI test.
    1. Any positive test results will result in immediate removal from the competition.
Treatment Protocols:

  • Pull and treatment report will be sent to ICA weekly, and kept in an animal health history log.
  • Animals will be treated and returned, unless a sick pen is needed.
  • If a steer becomes a chronic, ICA will be consulted on railing the steer.
  • Steers that don't fit projections from the scan and weight data will be addressed at the halfway point.
  • All cattle will be posted and reported to ICA, as well as the donor being notified.


The steers will be fed at the Iowa State University Beef Nutrition Farm. We thank ISU and the farm staff for the management, care, and handling of the steers. The Beef Nutrition Farm is located approximately five miles northwest of the ISU campus. The mission of the farm is to provide facilities and support for research aimed at optimizing the nutrition and management of beef cattle in Iowa.