Exclusive for members

Cattle Krush, by Performance Livestock Analytics, is a marketing tool to give producers, lenders and commodity brokers insights needed to never miss profit opportunities.

Within the application, there are five tools to help manage the buying and selling of your cattle. Cattle Krush is designed to assist producers by looking at the Chicago Board of Trade futures markets bringing in the feeder cattle, live cattle and corn prices, running them through an algorithm to provide profit opportunities.

"Auction Advisor" allows you to receive real-time profits per head based on the Chicago Board of Trade. This can be utilized in the auction house, online auctions or spot-buying. "My Lots" allows you to import the lots currently on feed to know exactly where you're at and watch for profit opportunities.

Free for ICA Members

Cattle Krush is $75/mo or $900/year for non-members. But ICA members receive the service for FREE!

Become a member or renew your membership before taking advantage of this amazing offer. It's easy, just click the button below!

 become a member 


"Cattle Krush puts everything right in front of you. I like to look at it as I'm buying to see if I can make money on groups of cattle right now. It's convenient." - Craig Moss, ICA member

Learn more about Cattle Krush

Cattle Krush combines the feeder future markets and connects current corn prices and finishing live prices, giving producers, lenders, and commodity brokers the insights they need to better their opportunities for higher profits.

To learn more, watch this preview video about Cattle Krush. 

Free Demo

Let Cattle Krush save you time and boost profitability today.

Get a Cattle Krush Demo before you join. 

Sync with Performance Beef

Remove the Bias

Track Profits on Each Lot

Follow Real-Time Markets

Sign up

For more information or to sign up for Cattle Krush visit www.performancelivestockanalytics.com

  1. Click on Cattle Krush
  2. Click on User Login
  3. Click on Sign Up
  4. Use the discount code: "iacattle"
  5. Select "Enterprise" plan
Once an account is created it can be downloaded to any IOS device through the App Store or accessed on mobile or desktop through the Google Chrome web browser.

For questions and support contact Performance Livestock Analytics 515-337-2187.


When signing up, you will be asked to provide a credit card number. YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL NOT BE CHARGED as long as you use the discount code "iacattle" and your membership is current with the Iowa Cattlemen's Association. If your membership expires, you may be charged for Cattle Krush.